Current & Upcoming Projects
Disorders of Consciousness, a mini symposium:
September 14th 1-4pm MT
Organized by Varina Boerwinkle, Mark Wainwright and Michelle Schober
Our speakers will include:
- Dr. Jose I Suarez, past NCS president
- Nina F Schor, deputy Director NINDS
- Beth Slomine, Pediatric Neuropsychologist JHU
- Nino Ramirez, Director of the Center for Integrative Brain Research
- Seattle Children’s and Erika Molteni, School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King’s College London
The speakers will be followed by open discussion and question session. The objective is to bring together a diverse and multidisciplinary group of individuals to optimize and accelerate the science of recovery of consciousness and to increase awareness within the pediatric neurocritical care community of the CuringComa Campaign. Please join us!
The GCS-Covid-Peds Study
A multicenter, multinational cohort observational study to document prevalence and severity of neurological symptoms and outcomes among patients younger than 18 years old admitted to the hospital with confirmed or presumed COVID19